Donore Harriers Athletics Report – w/e 07 Mar 2021

HIGHLIGHT: John Travers runs in the 3,000m in the European Indoor Championships at Torun, Poland.






REPORT: A disappointed John Travers was unsuccessful in his bid to reach the final of the 3,000m in last Saturday’s qualifying heat at the European Indoor Championships. Post-race he told an RTE reporter: “… this is where I wanted to make a name for myself, in this tournament. I know that I am good enough! I did think I would make the final and I was in the mix, but it just wasn’t meant to be…”

Travers was in the first of 3 heats held on Saturday morning. There were 10 starters with the first 3 and 3 fastest losers being the qualifying criteria.

The opening laps were run at 8.30 pace with Travers holding 7th position behind leader Djilali Bedrani of France. The 1,200m mark was passed in 3.22 with John Heymans of Belgium at the front and Travers in a close order 4th.

With an increase in pace Jack Rowe of Team GB moved to the front at the 1,350m point. The leaders passed 2,000m in 5.28, with Travers just 5 metres behind Rowe in 4th place.

With 600m to go it was still Rowe pushing the pace at the front, with Mohamed Katir of Spain next and the Donore Harriers man interchanging 4th and 5th positions. However, Travers was unable to stay with the pace with 450m remaining and fell back to 8th place. He reached 2,600m in 7 minutes flat, and finally had to settle for 7th position in a time of 8.05.96 – a full 15 seconds slower than the 7.50.40 that he set when winning the Micro Indoor Meet at the National Indoor Arena at Abbotstown just 2 weeks ago.

Katir won the heat in 7.54.94, with Narve Nordas (7.55.03) of Norway 2nd, and Rowe (7.55.67) the final qualifier in 3rd.

Travers reflected on his athletics pathway afterwards: “… it’s time to take a break, refocus, and look towards a more successful future than today…”.

The gold medal in the 3,000m went to Jakob Ingebrigtsen in 7.48.20, with Isaac Kimeli (7.49.41) of Belgium taking silver and Adel Mechaal (7.49.47) of Spain the bronze. The above mentioned Katir of Spain came 4th.



Men’s 3,000m Qualifying Heat No. 1: 7th John Travers (8.05.96)

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