Donore Harriers Athletics Report – w/e Sep 12th 2021

HIGHLIGHTS: James Bolton PB and 4th place in TAILTEANN GAMES intermediate boys 3,000m. Grace Kennedy-Clarke 3rd woman in THE LAKES 10km ROAD RACE. In the RATOATH HALF-MARATHON Des Tremble is 9th overall and 2nd M50, Sean Fox 11th and Ciaran Ryan 20th with a PB. Ray Lonergan 16th in the 200km long KERRY WAY ULTRA-RACE. Kane Collins had the misfortune of going off route in the TRALEE 10km.


REPORT: James Bolton (8.51.10), representing Belvedere College and Leinster, placed 4th in the TAILTEANN GAMES and in the process knocked 11 seconds of his previous best time for the 3,000m distance. The intermediate boy’s race was won by Niall Flannan (8.41.62) of St. Flannan’s College. Bolton, coached by his father Declan, continues to make steady development and will be hopeful of the strong cross-country season.

The 12th edition of the THE LAKES 10km ROAD RACE, organised by Lakeshore Striders AC, took place on a scenic route around Blessington Lake on Saturday (11.09.2021). Donore’s lone competitor Grace Kennedy-Clarke (40.41) ran a strong race to place 36th overall and 3rd woman behind the DSDAC pairing of Maria McCambridge (35.49) and Niamh Devlin (37.39). A total of 69 women completed the course.

Des Tremble (1.18.13) narrowly failed to win the M50 category in the RATOATH HALF-MARATHON in Co. Meath on Saturday morning (11.09.2021). Tremble was just 9 seconds behind the category winner Eddie Newman (1.18.04) of Mullingar Harriers. It was outstanding running by the two veterans who placed 8th and 9th in the overall race. Not too far behind was Donore Harriers Sean Fox (1.19.26) who placed 11th overall and 5th in the M40 class. There were two other club competitors with Ciaran Ryan (1.22.27) in 20th spot bagging a new personal best time – and M40 athlete Patrick Farrell 110th in a time of 1.38.15. There 314 finishers who were set off in two waves. The overall race was won by Colin Maher of Ballyfin AC in 1.10.17. The Donore Harriers (135) quartet of competitors combined to finish 4th in the men’s team competition behind winners’ Trim AC (60).

Ray Lonergan set out to complete the KERRY WAY ULTRA RACE from Killarney at 6.00am on Friday 3rd of September. Following a route that went past the scenic Lough Leane and the Killarney National Park, Lonergan then took the Kerry Way route past Glencar, Glenbeigh, Waterville, and Caherdaniel – before the route overlooked the Kenmare River Estuary past Sneem, Templenoe and Kenmare. The Donore Harriers man finished his epic running journey at 10.18.54 on Saturday morning, thus equating to 28-hours, 18-minutes and 54-seconds. The epic race attracts several overseas athletes, including competitors from GB, South Africa, Poland and Hungary. Lonergan placed 16th of 127 competitors. The race has an approximate distance of 200km over a variety of terrains and elevations.

Kane Collins described his TRALEE 10km ROAD RACE (11.09.2021) experience as “a bit of a disaster”. He got himself DQed for going the wrong way. He explains: “It was really badly signposted and there were very few stewards – and no lead bike. I went the wrong way early in the race and had to double back. I still led the race and finished in 32.26 – at least according to my watch – for about the 10.1km that I raced. I felt strong over the last two miles, so its still a good confidence booster ahead of the Charleville half-marathon”. The winners’ plaque was presented to Mark Walsh of Leevale AC who won in a time of 33.13.

The popular Saturday morning PARKRUN series returned in most areas, not Dublin, with 42 editions held on the 11th of September. W50 athlete Mary McDermott (25.20) placed 27th of 99 finishers at RUSSBOROUGH in Co. Wicklow.


KERRY WAY ULTRA RACE at Killarney (03 & 04.09.2021)

16th Ray Lonergan (28.18.54) – checkpoints = Brandons (2.11.23), Glencar (3.12.33), Glenbeigh (1.42.46), Waterville (6.36.34), Caherdaniel (1.55.12), Smeen (2.50.01), Templenoe (3.32.01), Kenmare (2.46.03), Finish (3.32.21).

127 competitors.

THE LAKES 10km ROAD RACE at Blessington (11.09.2021)

36th & 3rd woman: Grace Kennedy-Clarke (40.41)

194 finishers


9th overall & 2nd M50: Des Tremble (1.18.13)

11th & 5th M40: Sean Fox (1.19.26)

20th & 7th Senior: Ciaran Ryan (1.22.27)

110th& 44th M40: Patrick Farrell (1.38.15)

314 finishers

TEAM: 1st Trim AC (60); 4th Donore Harriers (Tremble, Fox, Ryan & Farrell) 135.

TRALEE 10km ROAD RACE (11.09.2021)

DQed Kane Collins (went off course)

118 finishers

TAILTEANN GAMES at Santry (11.09.2021)

Boy’s 3,000m: 4th James Bolton (8.51.10 PB)


RUSSBOROUGH: 27th Mary McDermott W50 (25.20)

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