125th Waterhouse Byrne Baird Shield Report Dec 26 2021

Following a Christmas day of strong winds and persistent and heavy rainfall, participants and spectators of the WBB 2021 awoke today to clear skies, calm conditions and mild temperatures. A perfect day for running was gifted to us, on this the 125th running of this historical and much loved event. Preparations began early with Willie Smith, Charlie O’Neill, Donal Nortan and Mick Bourke out before the crack of dawn meticulously marking the course.

With the tent proudly standing tall (thanks to Alan Farrell!), and the black and white of Donore shining brightly amongst the green of the Phoenix Park, runners and spectators began to arrive.
Desmond Gill took up his post as MC of the race, as Willie prepared the stopwatch and the first runner, seasoned WBB competitor Angela Eustace took to the start line. Highly regarded, loved and respected by all, Angela drew great support, energy and positivity from the crowd as she smiled and waved exuding club spirit as always, she got the race off to the perfect start. Finishing a valiant 24th following a fall in the hugely challenging conditions, Angela once again evidenced her immense grit and determination throughout the race.
Next up was Suzie Henley Willis, taking to the line as a debutant of the WBB, Suzie took it all in her stride, showcasing her trademark great humour, club spirit and quiet determination. Leading for much of the race, Suzie finished smiling and strong in a brilliant 15th place. WBB stalwart James Clarke took to the line next, another cheer from the crowd as James embodying the esprit de corps of Donore Harriers took off after Suzie (amid taunts from Barry Potts telling him to watch his back!). James ran strongly throughout to finish in 21st place with an impressive 85.38 on the clock. Barry then took his place on the start line, ready and poised as always! After a difficult year of injuries, Barry courageously set off on the tough lap and once again demonstrated his incredible strength and tenacity, finishing in 11th place and still smiling.
Another WBB debutant Treasa Ryan followed suit, taking off at a tremendous pace and sending ripples of fear through the on looking remaining participants, she looked dangerous! Braving a regular running shoe in place of spikes, Treasa battled bravely to finish in 12th place, clocking a brilliant 79.24. We know what to get Treasa for Christmas next year!!! Claire Mulligan was next up, setting off at a measured pace and appearing cool, calm and collected, spectators agreed that Claire was one to watch. Dean Fullston stepped up next, determined and committed and ever improving, he ran a strong race throughout and finished in 19th place and clocking a brilliant 80.01. Dean was followed by the duo of former winner Ian Redican and Tom Fagan, who set off together and worked in tandem through the early laps to move through the field, finishing in 23rd and 20th place respectively.
Peter Nugent was next off, his 4th time running this race which has become a firm favourite in his racing calendar. Peter was set to enjoy every step (if that is possible!) and as always, delivered a consistent and strong run, holding off Barry Potts on the home straight to take 10th place. Next, Gavin White set off on his inaugural WBB voyage, a big task ahead of him to chase down the now 10 runners ahead of him! Gavin ran a brilliant race to finish in 16th place and to break the 70-minute barrier on tough underfoot conditions.
Next up were Neil Hand and Alan Keogh, both capable of making some serious inroads into the field, they took off like they meant business. And the business they did, with Neil finishing in 6th place with a fantastic time of 65.28, followed closely by Alan in 8th place in 66.11. Donal Iremongar and Captain Craig Scott took to the start line next, 2nd and 3rd respectively last year, this pair were not to be discounted. Fresh off a 4.54 mile indoors just weeks ago, Donal looked ultra-relaxed as he moved through the field to finish in 18th in 68.27. Craig, after pulling away early in the first lap fought hard throughout and was rewarded with a 65.44 finish time and a 9th place finish. Emmet O’Briain, Danny O’Sullivan and last year’s fastest woman, Barbara Cleary stepped up next, and were greeted with roars of encouragement from the growing crowd of spectators as anticipation and excitement began to build.
Ryan Aikens, former winner Luke Boland, Niall Lynch and Rossa Hurley were next to take to the line and face the five testing laps ahead. No better men to rise to the challenge, with Rossa leading the charge, he set off in pursuit of the leaders. Ryan was unfortunate to suffer a stitch in the early stages of the race which impeded on his run and prevented him from showing what he is really capable of. But as is the way with running, we have no doubt that he will have his day to shine. Ken Nugent and Fergal Whitty stepped up next and set off at a blistering pace. Ken fresh off a superb run at National Seniors (33.59), and an impressive display at our recent club Captains Race, to the informed spectator – he was certainly one to watch. As he began to move swiftly through the field with his trademark gallop and effortless style, and with Barbara ahead knocking out 6.10 minute miles consistently, onlookers knew that by now, the race was well and truly on!
Finally, running off scratch, last year’s winner of the Shield, James Bolton stepped up to the line and readied himself to tackle the now well-worn course ahead. Excitement grew as he began the chase, looking phenomenally strong and determined, James was not holding back! However, up front, Ken Nugent was breezing silently (Barbara’s words!!!) past his opponents to take the lead. Heading into the final lap, it was hard to see how Ken would be caught, and Rossa had moved clear of Claire Mulligan, who was holding fast to 3rd place. As we watched Ken float up the gallop towards the finish, the waiting crowds were left in no doubt as to who the winner of this battle was. And a worthy winner he is. Having run 58.37 in 2017, 1.02.55 in 2018 and 1.01.57 in 2019, Ken took full advantage of his handicap and his current great form and fulfilled his dream of winning this most prestigious club race. Ken also claimed fastest man with a seriously impressive 56.38 finish time. Congratulations Ken! Rossa Hurley was next in, showing a super return to form by clocking 60.41 for a much deserved 2nd place…form is temporary, class is permanent etc. etc.!!! A thrilling finish from Claire Mulligan to claim 3rd place, while Barbara Cleary chased hard and continued to eat up the ground, right to the end. Claire’s strong, steady and measured effort throughout was rewarded with a brilliant time of 75.33 and a richly deserved podium place. James Bolton didn’t relent throughout and added another brilliant performance to his ever growing CV with a 5th place finish and a brilliant 58.55.

While narrowly missing out on a top three finish, Barbara Cleary may well have gone and done one better by rising to the top of the podium of all-time fastest women’s times in the history of this race. With an outstanding finishing time of 62.10 – we await confirmation of this club record, but can confirm that this is certainly the fastest time of any woman over the last number of years. We look forward to hopefully confirming this astonishing achievement soon! Congratulations to Barbara, and to all who toed the line today. To conclude what was a truly wonderful day of club spirit, athleticism and competition…some wise words from the great Bill Bowerman to encapsulate the efforts of all who ran…

Bill BowermanWaterhouse_Byrne_Baird_Shield


Full results below.

Athlete Time Handicap Actual Time
1 Ken Nugent 1.24.38 1 56.38
2 Rossa Hurley 1.26.41 3 60.41
3 Claire Mulligan 1.27.03 17.30 75.33
4 Barbara Cleary 1.27.10 4 62.10
5 James Bolton 1.27.55 Scratch 58.55
6 Neil Hand 1.27.58 6.30 65.28
7 Danny O’Sullivan 1.28.22 4 63.22
8 Alan Keogh 1.28.41 6.30 66.11
9 Craig Scott 1.28.44 6 65.44
10 Peter Nugent 1.29.22 13.30 73.52
11 Barry Potts 1.29.23 20 80.23
12 Treasa Ryan 1.29.24 19 79.24
13 Emmet O’Briain 1.29.28 4 64.28
14 Niall Lynch 1.30.15 3 64.15
15 Suzie Henley Willis 1.30.20 24 85.20
16 Gavin White 1.30.56 7.30 69.26
17 Fergal Whitty 1.31.12 1 63.12
18 Donal Iremongar 1.31.27 6 68.27
19 Dean Fullston 1.32.01 17 80.01
20 Tom Fagan 1.32.10 15 78.10
21 James Clarke 1.32.38 22 85.38
22 Luke Boland 1.32.47 3 66.47
23 Ian Redican 1.34.31 15 80.31
24 Angela Eustace 1.37.40 27 95.40
25 Ryan Aikens 1.37.40 3 71.40

Thanks to Sinead Lambe for the report.


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