Donore Harriers Athletics Report – w/e Feb 6th 2022

HIGHLIGHTS: Alex Leonard, Oisin Cummins-Weiss, Mario & Romeo Omozee, Sophie O’Farrell, Emily Bolton, Liam Morris and Emma Stacey were gold medallists in Days 1 & 2 of the DUBLIN JUVENILE INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS. Kane Collins placed 8th overall and Fergal Whitty 2nd M45 in the DUNGARVAN 10-MILE. Sinead O’Reilly 3rd W40 in the TRIM 10-MILE. Audrey Gahan & Claire Mulligan top 10 in the BHAA GARDA XC RACE. Note that some Dublin Juvenile results may be missing or need amending.

REPORT: Apart from the competitions, it was the buzz of having the people, the noise and the camaraderie back. Yes, there were technical difficulties with the timing system, but the excitement generated by enthusiastic young athletes was the key ingredient as juvenile indoor athletics returned.
Days 1 and 2 of the DUBLIN JUVENILE INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS had the young Donore Harriers athletes keenly contest in most of the disciplines. The 800m heats and finals on Saturday morning saw Emily Bolton (2.25) and Liam Morris (2.11) make it an Under 15 double gold success. Emma Stacey (2.22) ran a strong last 200m circuit to secure gold in the Under 19 Girls 800m final. Sean Kinsella (2.03) made a strong opening in the Under 19 Boys 800m final but had to settle for the bronze medal. Next up was Eve Conroy who claimed the bronze medal in the Under 17 Girls 60m Hurdles. In the afternoon 200m finals Alex Leonard took gold in the Under 16 Boys, with Isabella Kelly 2nd in the Under 17 Girls. In field events Sophie O’Farrell won the Under 19 Girls Long Jump. Long Jump silver medals went to Paddy Nolan in the Under 16 Boys, Oisin Cummins-Weiss in the Under 17 Boys and Luke Hanly in the Under 18 Boys. Roisin Kirby and Eimear Finn took bronze in the Under 16 Girls and Under 18 Girls respectively.
The star club performance on Day 2 of the championships came from Oisin Cummins-Weiss who won the Under 17 Boys Shot Putt with a best throw of 10.85m. The lad seems destined to follow in the great tradition of Donore Harriers throwers! Romeo Omozee was 3rd in the same contest. Alex Leonard made it a sprint double when he won the Under 16 Boys 60m final. Gold medals also went to Romeo Omozee in the Under 17 Boys High Jump and Mario Omozee in the Under 15 Boys Shot Putt.
On what was a good day for the Omozee brothers, Mario also took silver in the 60m and in the High Jump, whilst Romeo took bronze in the 60m. Sophie O’Farrell rounded off her ‘Dublin indoors’ experience by adding silver in the Under 19 Girls 60m to the Long Jump gold medal from the previous day. Eimear Finn came 2nd in the Under 18 Girls High Jump – and Luke Hanly jumped a 15cm PB to claim 2nd place in the Under 18 Boys High Jump with a best of 1.65m. Eva Crowe took silver in a competitive Under 16 Girls 1,500m. James Bolton led a tactical Under 19 Boys 1,500m final, but was pipped for the gold medal in the closing stages. Oliver Hopkins was in an all-guns blazing Under 18 Boys 1,500m race having to settle for bronze. Thomas Bolton also took bronze in the Under 17 Boys 1,500m. More results below subject to corrections and additions.

Kane Collins (52.27) came 8th in the JOHN TREACY DUNGARVAN 10-MILE on Sunday morning. Almost two and a half-thousand starters faced into wet and blustery conditions, not conducive to fast times.
Other club runners were Fergal Whitty (57.19) who came 41st overall and 2nd in the M45 category, Ciaran Ryan (1.00.57) 123rd, Barbara Murray (1.08.35) 396th, Julia Hackett (1.18.42) 995th, Joan McTernan (1.28.21) 1,622nd and Colin Moore (1.35.56) 1989th.
here is a link to start of the Dungarvan 10

In the TRIM 10-MILE ROAD RACE, also on Sunday, Danny O’Sullivan (58.28) led home the Donore Harriers contingent in 29th place. The others to take the Co. Meath route via the villages of Dunderry and Carrollstown were Liam Keane (1.00.22) who finished 62nd, Sinead O’Reilly (1.03.38) in 137th and 3rd in the W40 category, Ray Armstrong (1.05.58) in 194th, Lee Chambers (1.27.00) in 904th and Jo Hughes (1.35.00) in 1,184th. There were 1,507 finishers.

Audrey Gahan (15.04) and Claire Mulligan (15.25) placed 8th and 10th in 2-mile women’s race in the BUSINESS HOUSES AA GARDA SERIES at the Whitebridge Hill course in the Phoenix Park on Saturday morning. Also among the 174 finishers was Ann Woodlock (25.50) in 125th place. Ann came 1st in the W80 category. In the Men’s 4-mile race Tom Fagan (29.48) came 68th and Des Gill (35.02) 109th of 134 finishers.

In PARKRUNs Owen Robinson was first finisher at Tolka Valley. Other results are listed below.

Results in brief:
8th Audrey Gahan W40 (15.04)
10th Claire Mulligan W40 (15.25)
125th Ann Woodlock W80 (25.50)
174 finishers
68th Tom Fagan M50 (29.48)
109th Des Gill M50 (35.02)
134 finishers
U/16 GIRLS 200m FINAL: 4th Isabella Jackson
U/16 GIRLS 200m HEAT: Roisin Kirby – did not qualify
U/16 BOYS 200m FINAL: 1st Alex Leonard
U/16 BOYS 200m HEAT: Paddy Nolan – did not qualify
U/17 GIRLS 200m FINAL: 2nd Isabella Kelly
U/19 GIRLS 200m FINAL: 4th Sophie O’Farrell
U/15 GIRLS 800m FINAL: 1st Emily Bolton (2.25)
U/15 BOYS 800m FINAL: 1st Liam Morris (2.11), 6th Arlen Szebo
U/16 BOYS 800m FINAL: 8th Lucas Collender
U/17 GIRLS 800m FINAL: 5th Laura Nunan
U/19 GIRLS 800m FINAL: 1st Emma Stacey (2.22)
U/19 BOYS 800m FINAL: 3rd Sean Kinsella (2.03)
U/17 GIRLS 60m HURDLES FINAL: 3rd Eve Conroy
U/15 GIRLS LONG JUMP: Aoife Jackson – outside top 3
U/15 BOYS LONG JUMP: Rory Gaudin – outside top 3
U/16 GIRLS LONG JUMP: 3rd Roisin Kirby
U/16 BOYS LONG JUMP: 2nd Paddy Nolan
U/17 BOYS LONG JUMP: 2nd Oisin Cummins-Weiss
U/18 GIRLS LONG JUMP: 3rd Eimear Finn
U/18 BOYS LONG JUMP: 2nd Luke Hanly
U/19 GIRLS LONG JUMP: 1st Sophie O’Farrell
U/15 GIRLS 60m FINAL: 6th Leah Nunan
U/15 GIRLS 60m HEAT – Aoife Jackson – did not qualify
U/15 GIRLS 60m HEAT: 4th Aoife Devine – did not qualify
U/15 BOYS 60m FINAL: 2nd Mario Omozee
U/16 GIRLS 60m FINAL: Roisin Kirby – outside top 3
U/16 BOYS 60m FINAL: 1st Alex Leonard
U/16 BOYS 60m HEAT: Paddy Nolan – did not qualify
U/17 GIRLS 60m FINAL: 3rd Isabella Kelly
U/17 BOYS 60m FINAL: 3rd Romeo Omozee
U/17 BOYS 60m HEAT: 4th Oisin Cummins-Weiss – did not qualify
U/19 GIRLS 60m FINAL: 2nd Sophie O’Farrell
U/16 GIRLS 1,500m FINAL: 2nd Eva Crowe
U/17 BOYS 1,500m FINAL: 3rd Thomas Bolton, also Dylan McKenna & Joe Kinsella
U/18 BOYS 1,500m FINAL: 3rd Oliver Hopkins (4.08)
U/19 BOYS 1,500m FINAL: 2nd James Bolton
U/15 GIRLS HIGH JUMP: Aoife Jackson & Leah Nunan – outside top 3
U/15 BOYS HIGH JUMP: 2nd Mario Omozee
U/17 BOYS HIGH JUMP: 1st Romeo Omozee
U/18 GIRLS HIGH JUMP: 2nd Eimear Finn
U/18 BOYS HIGH JUMP: 2nd Luke Hanly (1.65m PB)
U/15 BOYS SHOT PUTT: 1st Mario Omozee
U/17 BOYS SHOT PUTT: 1st Oisin Cummins-Weiss (10.85m), 3rd Romeo Omozee
8th Kane Collins (52.27)
41st & 2nd M45 Fergal Whitty (57.19)
123rd & 40th M50 Ciaran Ryan (1.00.57)
396th & 6th W45 Barbara Murray (1.08.35)
995th & 10th W50 Julia Hackett (1.18.42)
1,622nd & 5th W60 Joan McTernan (1.28.21)
1.989th & 190th M50 Colin Moore (1.35.56)
2,418 finishers
MEN’s TEAM: 1st West Waterford AC 45, 9th Donore Harriers <Collins, Whitty, Ryan> 166. 56 teams closed
WOMEN’s TEAM: 1st Clonmel AC 16, 24th Donore Harriers <Murray, Hackett, McTernan> 572. 43 teams closed
TRIM 10-MILE ROAD RACE (06.02.2022)
29th & 8th M40 Danny O’Sullivan (58.28)
62nd & 20th M40 Liam Keane (1.00.22)
137th & 3rd W40 Sinead O’Reilly (1.03.38)
194th & 61st M40 Ray Armstrong (1.05.58)
904th & 70th senior woman Lee Chambers (1.27.00)
1,184th & 76th W50 Jo Hughes (1.35.00)
1,507 finishers
PARKRUNS 5km (05.02.2022)
CASTLETOWN: 21st JP O’Hanlon M35 (22.10), 87th Joan McTernan W60 (29.23), 126th Anna McMahon W35 (35.44)
MALAHIDE: 97th Angela O’Dea W40 (25.22)
POPPINTREE: 87th Eilish Joyce W40 (33.50)
TOLKA VALLEY: 1st Owen Robinson M35 (20.45)

03. Emma Stacey U19 800m gold 01. Liam Morris gold 800m 00. Kane Collins w rivals John Kinsella (Bilboa), Conor McCauley (Leevale) & Pat Hennessay WWAC 05. Alex Leonard gold 200m

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