2022 Annual General Meeting of Donore Harriers

The 129th Annual General Meeting of  Donore Harriers will take place on Wednesday October 26th 2022 at 7 PM in the clubhouse.






Agenda and Important Notes regarding the AGM are outlined below.


  • Minutes of last A.G.M.
  • President’s Address.
  • Secretary’s Report.
  • Financial Report.
  • Athletics Reports.
  • Election of officers/directors and vice-presidents.
  • Announcement of Coaches/handicappers.
  • Motions.
  • Close of Meeting.


Important Notes:

Nominations of officers/directors and Motions must be submitted for the attention of the Club Secretary by email to info@donoreharriers.com or by post to Donore Harriers, Chapelizod, Dublin 20 not less than 21 days before the AGM in accordance with Article 38 of the Articles of Association (i.e. NOT later than Wednesday 5th October 2022). They both require a proposer and seconder

At the discretion of the committee motions and nominations will be considered even if they are submitted after this date but the committee reserves the right to rule these inadmissible. Nominations/ Motions can be forwarded directly for the attention of the Hon Secretary. Completed proxy forms must be deposited at the club office not less than 48 hours before the AGM in accordance with Articles 32 and 33 of the Articles of Association. Members who have paid their annual Subscription to the club for the preceding year will be considered by the Committee to be members in Good Standing.

Nominations can be just written/typed out and should state

(1) the name of the member nominated.

(2) the position s/he is nominated for

(3) should be signed by the (not less than two) members nominating him/her i.e. along the following lines is sufficient:

 We [NAME] and [NAME] hereby nominate [NAME] for the position of [President/Honorary Secretary/Honorary Treasurer/Director].


(Name in Block capitals)


(Name in Block capitals)

We look forward to seeing you there !

The Committee

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