Donore Harriers Athletics Report – w/e Sep 18th 2022

HIGHLIGHTS: Barbara Cleary won the DUBLIN HALF-MARATHON. Sean Fox 1st M45, Peter Gaffney 2nd M50 and Grace Kennedy-Clarke 3rd W35. Luke Boland first DH finisher in 1.14.46. Louis O’Loughlin began his American experience with a fine 60th place in the NORTH ALABAMA SHOWCASE XC. Fred Kiernan 5th in the MEDIEVAL 10KM. Emily Bolton, Liam Morris, & Lorraine O’Connor were winners in the 1st fixture of the DUBLIN JUVENILE XC LEAGUE.

REPORT: <report/results by Gerry Naughton, Florence Curley & Suzie Henley-Willis> Barbara Cleary ran a well-judged race to win the DUBLIN HALF-MARATHON in the Phoenix Park on a fresh, dry Saturday morning. The Co. Clare native was 40 seconds down on pre-race favourite Caitlyn Harvey of Annadale Striders at the 5-mile point, but thereafter used her experience and endurance base to finish the race 10-seconds clear of her rival. Cleary finished 44th overall in a time of 1.18.14 with Harvey in 47th position. Jan Corcoran (1.20.40) of Le Cheile AC was the 3rd woman home.
Luke Boland (1.14.46) led home the large contingent of Donore Harriers athletes placing 13th overall and 5th in the M35 category. Just one place behind was David McConn (1.15.26) who was unlucky not to get among the medals as he came 4th in the M40 class. His consolation was a new personal best time.
Sean Fox (1.15.51) came 19th overall and was the winner of the M45 category. He was followed home by Wayne Waldron, clearly feeling the Ratoath Half-Marathon from the previous weekend in his legs, who came 35th in a time of 1.17.13. Then came overall women’s winner Cleary, followed by Peter Gaffney (1.19.13) in 59th spot and 2nd in the M50 category.
Chris Muldoon ran a time of 1.20.27 to secure 79th position and finish 9th in the M45 age grade – and he was followed across the finish line by Declan Lynch in a PB time of 1.22.23 for 121st overall and 38th in the M40s.
The next Donore Harrier home was Grace Kennedy-Clarke (1.25.16) who ran a personal best to finish 3rd in the Women’s over 35 category. She placed 226th overall.
The other competing club members were Kevin Odgers (1.24.14 PB) 230th and 34th M45; Tony Barry (1.25.47) 247th and 73rd M40; Patrick Moriarty (1.27.17) 317th and 48th M45; Stephen Dawson (1.29.00) 451st and 111th M40; Ariana Ball (1.30.54 PB) 538th overall, 34th woman and 9th W35; Dean Fullston (1.32.37 PB) 618th and 14th M55; an ever improving Pam White (1.32.42 PB) 624th; 40th woman and 11th W35; Owen Robinson (1.32.18) 663rd and 162nd M40; Des Gill (1.35.10) 771st and 18th M55; Tony Griffin (1.36.45) 830th and 6th M60; club debutant Marc Walsh (1.36.54) 996th overall; John Gleeson (1.39.43) 1,169th and 80th M50; Suzie Henley-Willis (1.41.11) 1,311th overall, 136th woman and 41st W40; Louise Kelly (1.41.28) 1,329th overall, 38th woman and 30th W35; Noel Davis (1.45.54) 1,678th and 334th M40; Katherine Marsh (1.45.06) 1,847th overall, 263rd woman and 82nd WS; Mark Devine (1.47.52) 2,111th and 317th M45 and Dana Mackey (2.13.16) 4,527th and 101st W50. There were more than five and a half thousand finishers.

Master athlete Fred Kiernan finished 5th of 201 finishers in the MEDIEVAL 10km ROAD RACE at Kilkenny on Saturday. His time was 40.40.

Louis O’Loughlin got his American experience off to a good start in the NORTH ALABAMA SHOWCASE CROSS-COUNTRY at Huntsville, Alabama on Friday. Representing Auburn Tigers, the Donore Harriers star placed 60th of 360 finishers in a time of 24.42. The meandering course around John Hunt Park proved a good test for the Auburn University student, who made a conservative start and then used his middle-distance pace to gain around 30 places in the final 2 kilometres to finish as 4th scorer (of 5) on his team that placed 6th of 37.

The domestic cross-country season kicked off with Fixture One of the DUBLIN JUVENILE LEAGUE at Lusk on Sunday morning. A good contingent of young club athletes competed with Emily Bolton, Liam Morris, and Lorraine O’Connor among the winners. There were top 10 finishes for Anna Whelan, Anabella Omozee, Lily Hanrahan-Clarke, Eoin Mooney, Julie Cleary, Eva Crowe, Eden Brangan-Walsh, newcomer Charlie White, Lucas Collender, Dylan McKenna and James Bolton.
Provisional results below.

Simon O’Toole was best among the club’s PARKRUNNERs this week with 1st place at BRICKFIELDS in a time of 18.52.
More results below.

Results in brief:
NORTH ALABAMA SHOWCASE 8KM XC at Huntsville, Alabama (16.09.2022)
60th Louis O’Loughlin (24.42)
360 finishers
DUBLIN HALF-MARATHON at the Phoenix Park (17.09.2022)
13th & 5th M35 Luke Boland (1.14.46)
14th & 4th M40 David McConn (1.15.26 PB)
19th & 1st M45 Sean Fox (1.15.51) GOLD
35th & 11th M35 Wayne Waldron (1.17.13)
44th, 1st woman, 1st W45 Barbara Cleary (1.18.14) GOLD
59th & 2nd M50 Peter Gaffney (1.19.13) SILVER
79th & 9th M45 Chris Muldoon (1.20.27)
121st & 38th M40 Declan Lynch (1.22.23 PB)
226th & 3rd W35 Grace Kennedy-Clarke (1.25.16 PB) BRONZE
230th & 34th M45 Kevin Odgers (1.25.14 PB)
247th & 73rd M40 Tony Barry (1.25.47)
317th & 48th M45 Patrick Moriarty (1.27.17)
451st & 111th M40 Stephen Dawson (1.29.00)
538th & 9th W35 Ariana Ball (1.30.54 PB)
618th & 14th M55 Dean Fullston (1.32.37 PB)
624th & 11th W35 Pam White (1.32.42 PB)
663rd & 162nd M40 Owen Robinson (1.32.18)
771st & 18th M55 Des Gill (1.35.10)
830th & 6th M60 Tony Griffin (1.36.45)
996th & 251st MS Marc Walsh (1.36.54 debut)
1,169th & 80th M50 John Gleeson (1.39.43)
1,311th & 41st W40 Suzie Henley-Willis (1.41.11)
1,329th & 30th W35 Louise Kelly (1.41.28)
1,678th & 334th M40 Noel Davis (1.45.54)
1,847th & 82nd WS Katherine Marsh (1.45.06)
2,111th & 317th M45 Mark Devine (1.47.52)
4,527th & 101st W50 Dana Mackey (2.13.16)
5,562 finishers
MEDIEVAL 10KM ROAD RACE at Kilkenny (17.09.2022)
5th Fred Kiernan (40.40)
201 finishers
Provisional results only
U9 GIRLS 400m: 16th Rachel McCarthy, also Farrah Blake (debut)
U9 BOYS 400m: 21st Ruairi Quinn (debut), 22nd Eli Henley-Willis
U10 BOYS 600m: 21st Bobby Farrell, 25th Michael McCarthy
U11 GIRLS 800m: 8th Anna Whelan, 44th Lola Blake, 55th Emani Meagher (debut)
U11 BOYS 800m: 36th Alan Maddox
U12 GIRLS 1,000m: 7th Anabella Omozee, 28th Lacy Cleary (debut), 61st Tess O’Donoghue, 67th Alva Sullivan, 72nd Hannah Kelly
U12 BOYS 1,000m: 28th Max Henley-Willis
U13 GIRLS 1,000m: Lauren Tolan (not top 15), Rosie-May Morris (not top 15)
U14 GIRLS 1,200m: 4th Lily Hanrahan-Clarke
U14 BOYS 1,200m: 5th Eoin Mooney, 23rd Conor O’Neill, 25th Declan Creedon (debut)
U15 GIRLS 1,500m: 1st Emily Bolton, 21st Abigail Tolan, 30th Ava Hoare
U15 BOYS 1,500m: 1st Liam Morris, 14th Daniel Hughes, 17th Aryell Sheedy, 24th Fraser Marr, 30th Aaron Callanan
U16 GIRLS 2,000m: 1st Lorraine O’Connor, 4th Julie Cleary, 6th Eva Crowe, 8th Eden Brangan-Walsh
U16 BOYS 2,000m: 2nd Charlie White, 5th Lucas Collender
U17 BOYS 3,000m: 4th Dylan McKenna
U19 BOYS 3,500m: 2nd James Bolton
M35 TEAM: 1. Raheny Shamrocks 315, 2. Donore Harriers <Fergal Whitty, Peter Gaffney, Chris Muldoon, Declan Lynch> 382, 3. Clonliffe Harriers 520

PARKRUN (17.09.2022)
BRICKFIELDS: 1st Simon O’Toole MS (18.52), 60th Ciaran McCarthy M45 (47.47)
BUSHY: 96th Thomas Halton M65 (32.42)
GRIFFEEN: 25th Aidan Kelly MS (23.11 PB)
NEW ROSS: 15th Eugene Mac Curtain M55 (24.29), 25th Liz Mac Curtain W55 (27.47)
WATERSTOWN: 35th Andrew Maguire M55 (48.13)

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