Covid 19

Please refer to this page for regular updates.

Please see this Athletics Ireland page for all the latest on Covid 19.


September 18th 2021 Update
Following the recent announcement from Athletics Ireland above, we’re happy to say that we can reopen our changing rooms and showers from September 20th. We ask all members using the clubhouse to exercise personal responsibility with regard to Covid 19. In particular we ask that you keep your use of the clubhouse to a minimum and don’t congregate in the hallway. We want to keep our clubhouse open and all our members safe and avoid transmission of covid 19 within the club. To do this we will need your full cooperation.


May 8th 2021 Update
We can now resume group training for all groups from May 10th. A summary of the new situation is as follows :

  • The club house remains closed with the exception of toilets which will be opened around training times only. The changing rooms are strictly off limits.
  • Training groups are limited to pods of 15 including the coach
  • All athletes or their guardian must complete the health questionnaire here in advance of every training session and ensure they strictly comply with the restrictions with regard to attendance at training.
  • Charlie O’Neill is the Club Covid Officer.
  • All coaches should continue to log training sessions by emailing a list of attendees to
  • Ad hoc use of the track is now permitted without booking in advance. You should email to record your track use in case contact tracing is needed.


January 5 Update
With the resumption of Level 5, the following restrictions are now in place :

  • The clubhouse is closed to all.
  • All group training including underage is suspended.
  • Use of the track is restricted to anyone meeting the elite or carded athlete criteria. Anyone not meeting these criteria may not use the track.
  • Any elite or carded athlete wishing to use the track should email with two days notice and await confirmation before using the track.

November 29 Update
With the ending of Level 5 restrictions, we can now resume group training for all groups from December 1st. A summary of the new situation is as follows :

  • Charlie O’Neill is the Club Covid Officer.
  • All coaches should continue to log training sessions by emailing a list of attendees at
  • Anyone looking to make an ad hoc track booking should email with two days notice and await confirmation before using the track.
  • Training groups are limited to pods of 15 including the coach
  • All athletes or their guardian must complete the health questionnaire here in advance of every training session and ensure they strictly comply with the restrictions with regard to attendance at training.
  • The club house is open on a restricted basis as previously outlined below.


October 24 Update
Following the introduction of Level 5 restrictions, the following applies

  • The clubhouse is closed to all.
  • Use of the track is restricted to U18 training in pods of 15 and anyone meeting the elite athlete criteria. Anyone not meeting one of these criteria may not use the track.
  • All athletes or their guardian must complete the health questionnaire here in advance of every training session and al training sessions should be logged.
  • For those who can attend the club,. please wear a face mask unless you are training.

thanks for your ongoing cooperation


September 30 Update
A summary of the current requirements in order to comply with Athletics Ireland guidelines is as follows.

  • Charlie O’Neill is the Club Covid Officer.
  • All coaches should continue to log training sessions by emailing a list of attendees at
  • Anyone looking to make an ad hoc track booking should email with two days notice and await confirmation before using the track.
  • Training groups are limited to pods of 15 including the coach
  • All athletes or their guardian must complete the health questionnaire here in advance of every training session.
  • The club house is open on a restricted basis as previously outlined below.


June 28 Update – entering phase 3
With the start of Phase 3 there are a few important changes to the Covid 19 requirements from Athletics Ireland which are as follows
  1. We are allowed to re open the clubhouse (more details below).
  2. All age restrictions have been lifted.
  3. Larger groups are now allowed to train together.

All other restrictions from phases 1 and 2 around logging of training sessions, hygiene, 2m social distancing etc remain in place. Full details on phase 3 from Athletics Ireland at the link at the top of this page.

The clubhouse will reopen on Monday June 29th with the following restrictions

  1. The gym, lounge and kitchens remain off limits to members.
  2. A maximum of one person in the showers or toilets at any one time.
  3. Please keep your time in the clubhouse to an absolute minimum, do not congregate in the hallway and where possible go direct to training instead of going via the clubhouse.
  4. Please sign in and out with your own pen. Alternatively email with your name, date and time. This is a requirement in case contact tracing is needed.
  5. Please wash your hands or use hand sanitizer when entering and exiting the clubhouse. Hand sanitizer will be available in the clubhouse but you should bring your own in any case.
  6. Please do not come to the club if you or any family member has covid 19 like symptoms.
  7. Please strictly adhere to 2m social distancing while in the clubhouse.
We are asking for the everyone’s help to ensure a safe re opening.
thanks again for your co-operation.
The Committee
June 14 Update – refinement of phase 2 rules

On June 12th Athletics Ireland refined and clarified a couple of the phase 2 regulations. The main one being that all children born in 2007 may now take part in training. Further details at the link above.

June 7 Update – entering phase 2 
The Club and Athletics Committees have met remotely in the past few days to review the changes announced by Athletics Ireland for phase 2 starting June 8th. In summary :
  • Groups of up to 15 can train together provided social distancing is maintained. However, it is up to individual coaches to decide on the numbers they wish to have training together . Your coach will provide you with more information on this.
  • Travel restriction is extended to 20k or within county whichever is greater so more athletes will be able to return to training. Again, please refer to your coach for more information.
  • We will open up the track to ad hoc bookings.
  • All other restrictions mentioned below in the May 17th update remain in place without exception.

Please see here for further information on track bookings and logging of sessions.


May 17 Update – entering phase 1
The Club and Athletics Committees have met remotely in the past few days and are happy to confirm a limited return to activity in line with the guidelines in this announcement from Athletics Ireland. Due to restrictions on travel and age, not all groups will return during phase 1 starting May 18. The club coaches will be in contact with their individual groups to provide further details. During the first phase of return to activity :

  • The clubhouse will remain closed to all
  • Use of the track will be limited to coached groups and remain off limits for individuals wishing to train alone. This restriction on individuals is to allow us to gradually understand how the return to activity is going to work for us all and to allow us to implement the booking system as required by Athletics Ireland.
  • The club is off limits for anyone under the age of 13 or over 70 and anyone living outside of a 5Km radius of the club.
  • All club organised training groups are limited to a maximum of 4 athletes or 3 athletes plus a coach and must be logged in case contact tracing is needed at a later date.
  • Please adhere to all other national and HSE guidelines around travel restrictions, hygiene, social distancing etc.
  • For those who are returning to group activity, please read and adhere to the guidelines for athletes set out in above announcement from Athletics Ireland.
  • Please read and adhere to the guidelines in the signs posted at the entrance to the track.

As part of the return to activity protocols, the club has a number of obligations it must adhere to, including :

  • To appoint a Club Safety Officer. I’m happy to say that Club President Charlie O’Neill has agreed to take on this role. Please provide your full support and cooperation to Charlie.
  • To log attendance at all sessions of both athletes and parents (for under 18s). Again, please cooperate with your coaches on this.

Please see here for further information on how we are implementing the guidelines.


March 14 Update 
Due to the ongoing situation with the COVID-19 pandemic and in line with guidelines from Athletics Ireland, the committee has decided that all formal training sessions should be postponed and the club facilities closed until further notice.

For further information please refer to the advisory section of

Thanks for your co operation. The Committee.

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